leading cladding material manufacturer

Brief Introduction

The Company is committed to the highest standards of Corporate Governance and practices such that the affairs of the Company are managed in such a way, which ensures accountability, fairness and transparency to the core of its sense and constitute a strong foundation to meet its stakeholders’ aspirations, societal expectations and healthy growth. HIL Limited (HIL or Company) lays its foundation on the strong Corporate Governance systems, policies and framework, which enables the Board and Management to achieve the goals and objectives effectively for the benefit of the Company and its Shareholders including Customers, Creditors and Employees. In addition to compliance with regulatory requirements, the Company endeavours to ensure that the highest standard of ethical conduct is maintained throughout the organisation.

The Board of Directors consists of an optimal combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors representing a judicious mix of in-depth knowledge, specialized skills, diversity and rich experience, supported by various committees i.e Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration cum Compensation Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.